MM Readers Forum

The MM Readers Forum is a place where readers of Modeling Materials: Continuum, Atomistic and Multiscale Techniques by Ellad B. Tadmor and Ronald E. Miller (Cambridge University Press, 2011) can exchange ideas, discuss topics related to the book, and ask each other questions. The authors will monitor the forum and provide input when appropriate.


    1. To participate in the MM Readers Forum, a Google account is required.

    2. If you do not have a Google account, click here to go to Google's account setup page.

    3. If you are not signed into your Google account, click on the "Sign in to view this group" link and sign in.

    4. If you are not a member of the MM Readers Forum, click on the "Apply for membership" link.

    5. You will be able to access the forum as soon as your membership request is approved by the webmaster.

    6. You are now ready to search, read, and post to the forum.